Cheat Dragon Age 2 Achievement / Trophy Guide + Video Tutorial 2011
Looking to Maximize your gamerscore or possibly earn the Dragon Age 2 Platinum Trophy? Well, there’s a lot of work to do. Luckily we have a guide that will not only help you, but provide videos to help achieve the Exorcist, Dragon Slayer, Demon Slayer Achievement Trophies and More.
Story and Gameplay Achievements/Trophies
* Tale Within a Tale (5) Bronze – Listened to Varric begin his tale of the Champion of Kirkwall.
* Immigrant (5) Bronze - Became a resident of Kirkwall.
* Full House (10) Bronze - Recruited four party members.
* Stone Cold (5) Bronze – Defeated the rock wraith on your expedition into the Deep Roads.
* Delver of the Deep (10) Bronze - Explored the Deep Roads.
* Friends in High Places (15) Bronze - Met Grand Cleric Elthina, Viscount Dumar, Knight-Commander Meredith, and First Enchanter Orsino.
* Conqueror (15) Bronze - Defeated Meredith, knight-commander of Kirkwall’s templars.
* Champion of Kirkwall (20) Silver - Completed Dragon Age II.
* Talented (5) Bronze – While leveling up, simply select a talent upgrade.
* Darkness Falls (5) Bronze – Toggle the Kirkwall map display from day to night. *Watch Video at the end
* Explorer (5) Bronze – Leave Kirkwall to visit any location in the Free Marches. *Watch Video at the end
* Craftsman (5) Bronze – Get your first crafting recipe.
* Specialized (25) Bronze – Gain two specializations for Hawke.
* Dedicated (15) Bronze – Reach level 10.
Optional Story Achievements/Trophies – Involve specific quests and decisions
* Nefarious (10) Bronze – Work for Athenril at the conclusion of the Prologue
* Mercenary (10) Bronze - Work for Meeran at the conclusion of the Prologue
* Birthright (15) Bronze – Complete the Birthright companion quest; must be finished before Deep Roads (Act 1)
* Financier (10) Bronze – Pay Bartrand to join the Deep Roads expedition. If you accept a loan from Dougal, this won’t unlock.
* That Thing Has Legs (25) Bronze – Kill a Varterral. Will be found in Act 2, during the Mirror Image companion quest
* A Worthy Rival (25) Silver – You must gain the respect of the Arishok. can be done before the conclusion of the Demands of the Qun main plot quest (Act 2)
* King of the Hill (10) Bronze – You have to get an outcome where Hawke defeats the Arishok in open combat. Won’t be possible if you choose the “diplomatic” solution.
* Exorcist (25) Bronze – You must find and kill the Xebenkeck. Can be found in Act 2, during the Forbidden Knowledge quest. **Watch Video at end
* Spelunker (25) Bronze – Visit at least 10 caves in/around Kirkwall (should be completed during Act 2 by simply finishing quests).
* Arcane Defender (25) Silver - Side with Mages in five different quests (Wayward Son, Act of Mercy, Enemies Among Us, Night Terrors, Best Served Cold, On the Loose, Showdown)
* Mage Hunter (25) Silver – Side with the Templars in five quests (Wayward Son, Act of Mercy, Enemies Among Us, Night Terrors, Best Served Cold, On the Loose, Showdown)
* Dragon Slayer (25) Silver – In Act 3, simply complete the Mine Massacre secondary quest.***Watch Video at End
* Demon Slayer (25) Silver – First complete The Awiergan Scrolls: First Aspect, Second Aspect, or Third Aspect. Enter the Hidden Dungeon (“Hidden Lair”) to the NE of Darktown. Kill the Hybris to unlock. ****Watch Video at end
* Crowning Achievement (25) Silver – At the end of Act 3, side with the Templars
* Epic (50) Gold – Finish Dragon Age 2 twice, or import a Dragon Age: Origins save and beat the game.
* Mass Exodus (25) Bronze – Complete the Prologue with all three classes. Must be on separate playthroughs (obviously). Only need to beat the opening section.
Hidden Achievements/Trophies
* Legendary (50) Silver – Reach Level 20
* A Friend in Need (5) Bronze – Collect/purchase an armor upgrade for a companion
* Enchanter (5) Bronze – Use a rune on a piece of equipment with an open rune slot
* Master Craftsman (25) Silver – Find all the recipes for one of the crafting disciplines (runes, potions, poisons, or bombs). You must then create every item within said category.
* I Got Your Back (25) Bronze – Upgrade a companion’s armor to it’s maximum level
* Weapon Master (25) Bronze – Unlock all abilities and upgrades in a single weapon-specific talent tree (Weapon and Shield, Two-Handed, Dual Weapon, Archery)
* Tag Team (5) Bronze – Perform a cross-class combination by switching between party members
* Unstoppable (50) Silver – Simply beat an entire Act without having a party member get knocked out. Easiest when completed on Act while playing Casual mode
* Mogul (25) Bronze – Rack up 100 sovereigns in your purse. Can be completed in Act 1 if you save your cash
* Gift Giver (5) Bronze – Give a gift to a companion
* Flirtatious (5) Bronze – Flirt with a companion to initiate a romance
* Romantic (25) Bronze – Follow a romance to the end with a companion
* Friend (25) Bronze – Become friends with a companion
* Rival (25) Bronze – Become rivals with a companion
* Great Minds Think Alike (50) Silver – Either have four companions in a simultaneous friendship, or in a simultaneous rivalry.
* Treasure Hunter (25) Silver – Simply open 50 containers
* Knowledgeable (25) Bronze – Unlock 100 codex entries
* Supplier (25) Silver – Find all crafting ingredients.
* Archeologist (50) Silver – There are four special Codex collectibles per Act. You must collect three out of the four to get this. Act 1 – The Bone Pit, The Gallows, Viscount’s Keep, Lowtown (Night) Act 2 – Chantry, Darktown, Gallows dungeon, Docks Act 3 – Two during Justice, one during Gamelen’s Greatest Treasure, and one at the Dock during the Last Straw
* Chantry Historian (25) Silver – Collect all four chapters of “The History of the Chantry”. Three of these can be found in the Chantry during a daylight visit (one per Act). You have to find the fourth during the Following the Qun quest.
* The Ulimate Reward (PS3) Platinum – Get all trophies.
Looking to Maximize your gamerscore or possibly earn the Dragon Age 2 Platinum Trophy? Well, there’s a lot of work to do. Luckily we have a guide that will not only help you, but provide videos to help achieve the Exorcist, Dragon Slayer, Demon Slayer Achievement Trophies and More.
Story and Gameplay Achievements/Trophies
* Tale Within a Tale (5) Bronze – Listened to Varric begin his tale of the Champion of Kirkwall.
* Immigrant (5) Bronze - Became a resident of Kirkwall.
* Full House (10) Bronze - Recruited four party members.
* Stone Cold (5) Bronze – Defeated the rock wraith on your expedition into the Deep Roads.
* Delver of the Deep (10) Bronze - Explored the Deep Roads.
* Friends in High Places (15) Bronze - Met Grand Cleric Elthina, Viscount Dumar, Knight-Commander Meredith, and First Enchanter Orsino.
* Conqueror (15) Bronze - Defeated Meredith, knight-commander of Kirkwall’s templars.
* Champion of Kirkwall (20) Silver - Completed Dragon Age II.
* Talented (5) Bronze – While leveling up, simply select a talent upgrade.
* Darkness Falls (5) Bronze – Toggle the Kirkwall map display from day to night. *Watch Video at the end
* Explorer (5) Bronze – Leave Kirkwall to visit any location in the Free Marches. *Watch Video at the end
* Craftsman (5) Bronze – Get your first crafting recipe.
* Specialized (25) Bronze – Gain two specializations for Hawke.
* Dedicated (15) Bronze – Reach level 10.
Optional Story Achievements/Trophies – Involve specific quests and decisions
* Nefarious (10) Bronze – Work for Athenril at the conclusion of the Prologue
* Mercenary (10) Bronze - Work for Meeran at the conclusion of the Prologue
* Birthright (15) Bronze – Complete the Birthright companion quest; must be finished before Deep Roads (Act 1)
* Financier (10) Bronze – Pay Bartrand to join the Deep Roads expedition. If you accept a loan from Dougal, this won’t unlock.
* That Thing Has Legs (25) Bronze – Kill a Varterral. Will be found in Act 2, during the Mirror Image companion quest
* A Worthy Rival (25) Silver – You must gain the respect of the Arishok. can be done before the conclusion of the Demands of the Qun main plot quest (Act 2)
* King of the Hill (10) Bronze – You have to get an outcome where Hawke defeats the Arishok in open combat. Won’t be possible if you choose the “diplomatic” solution.
* Exorcist (25) Bronze – You must find and kill the Xebenkeck. Can be found in Act 2, during the Forbidden Knowledge quest. **Watch Video at end
* Spelunker (25) Bronze – Visit at least 10 caves in/around Kirkwall (should be completed during Act 2 by simply finishing quests).
* Arcane Defender (25) Silver - Side with Mages in five different quests (Wayward Son, Act of Mercy, Enemies Among Us, Night Terrors, Best Served Cold, On the Loose, Showdown)
* Mage Hunter (25) Silver – Side with the Templars in five quests (Wayward Son, Act of Mercy, Enemies Among Us, Night Terrors, Best Served Cold, On the Loose, Showdown)
* Dragon Slayer (25) Silver – In Act 3, simply complete the Mine Massacre secondary quest.***Watch Video at End
* Demon Slayer (25) Silver – First complete The Awiergan Scrolls: First Aspect, Second Aspect, or Third Aspect. Enter the Hidden Dungeon (“Hidden Lair”) to the NE of Darktown. Kill the Hybris to unlock. ****Watch Video at end
* Crowning Achievement (25) Silver – At the end of Act 3, side with the Templars
* Epic (50) Gold – Finish Dragon Age 2 twice, or import a Dragon Age: Origins save and beat the game.
* Mass Exodus (25) Bronze – Complete the Prologue with all three classes. Must be on separate playthroughs (obviously). Only need to beat the opening section.
Hidden Achievements/Trophies
* Legendary (50) Silver – Reach Level 20
* A Friend in Need (5) Bronze – Collect/purchase an armor upgrade for a companion
* Enchanter (5) Bronze – Use a rune on a piece of equipment with an open rune slot
* Master Craftsman (25) Silver – Find all the recipes for one of the crafting disciplines (runes, potions, poisons, or bombs). You must then create every item within said category.
* I Got Your Back (25) Bronze – Upgrade a companion’s armor to it’s maximum level
* Weapon Master (25) Bronze – Unlock all abilities and upgrades in a single weapon-specific talent tree (Weapon and Shield, Two-Handed, Dual Weapon, Archery)
* Tag Team (5) Bronze – Perform a cross-class combination by switching between party members
* Unstoppable (50) Silver – Simply beat an entire Act without having a party member get knocked out. Easiest when completed on Act while playing Casual mode
* Mogul (25) Bronze – Rack up 100 sovereigns in your purse. Can be completed in Act 1 if you save your cash
* Gift Giver (5) Bronze – Give a gift to a companion
* Flirtatious (5) Bronze – Flirt with a companion to initiate a romance
* Romantic (25) Bronze – Follow a romance to the end with a companion
* Friend (25) Bronze – Become friends with a companion
* Rival (25) Bronze – Become rivals with a companion
* Great Minds Think Alike (50) Silver – Either have four companions in a simultaneous friendship, or in a simultaneous rivalry.
* Treasure Hunter (25) Silver – Simply open 50 containers
* Knowledgeable (25) Bronze – Unlock 100 codex entries
* Supplier (25) Silver – Find all crafting ingredients.
* Archeologist (50) Silver – There are four special Codex collectibles per Act. You must collect three out of the four to get this. Act 1 – The Bone Pit, The Gallows, Viscount’s Keep, Lowtown (Night) Act 2 – Chantry, Darktown, Gallows dungeon, Docks Act 3 – Two during Justice, one during Gamelen’s Greatest Treasure, and one at the Dock during the Last Straw
* Chantry Historian (25) Silver – Collect all four chapters of “The History of the Chantry”. Three of these can be found in the Chantry during a daylight visit (one per Act). You have to find the fourth during the Following the Qun quest.
* The Ulimate Reward (PS3) Platinum – Get all trophies.
Update Cheat Dragon Age 2:
- Dragon Age 2 Achievement Guide 2011 Video Tutorials Cheat
- Cheat Dragon Age 2 Achievement / Trophy Guide 2011
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